At Oro Care Dental Centre, we preserve and protect your smile. Our procedures are defined and our doctors are trained in a manner to ensure that your concerns are treated with care and compassion with utmost focus on patient safety and hygiene through detailed sterilization and safe waste disposal mechanisms.
Set in a ‘happening’ environment inside a Mall, dental treatment is no longer a painful ordeal for the patients. No longer will you need to set aside time for your health requirement or de-prioritize your entertainment or shopping to get treated.A one stop shop, the mall provides for wholesome entertainment and shopping for the entire family.
So, you can get yourself treated and not miss out on other pleasures of life. There is ample and safe parking for 2 wheelers and 4 wheelers in the mall, ensuring peace of mind for you.
The calming environment of the clinic is a strong contrast to the exciting environment outside. It soothes and relaxes you for your procedures. Our customer service agent will make you feel at ease.
Detection of possible dental problems at an early stage ensures prevention of major problems, keeping costs of treatment low. Visit your dentist at least once every six months for a check up and reduce potential risks!
Doctors available throughout the day between 10am to 8pm
24 Hrs online appointment through Website and Practo
We support our patient in all emergency situations