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Oro Care

Gum Disease

OVERVIEW-Gum Disease

Gingivitis: Its a condition in which gums bleeds, bleebing while brushing. bad breadth will be there. Sometimes gums become swollen and there will be pain while touching. If it will left untraeted will laed to Periodontitis or Pyrea . A thin or thick layer of plaque or tartar will be present near tehn gums and teeth.


Gum Boils:

Its a small swelling formed on the gum over an abscess at the root of a tooth. It gum will be red , swollen and pain while touching. It forms mainly due to infection, dental decay or injury.

Pyorrhoea orPeriodontitis is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and destroys the bone that supports your teeth.It makes the teeth mobile which is usually irreversible. Periodontitis can cause tooth loss or worse, an increased risk of heart attack or stroke and other serious health problems.It is very common but preventable.

Periodontists offer a wide range of treatments, such as scaling and root planing (in which the infected surface of the root is cleaned) or root surface debridement. They can also treat patients using a range of surgical procedures.


It  is the process of removing or eliminating the dental plaque,(it is a soft yellow-grayish substance that adheres to the tooth surfaces)  its products, and calculus which cause inflammation, thus helping to establish a gums( periodontium )free of disease.

Surgical Treatment in Perio:

Periodontal surgery is a plastic (reshaping) surgical procedure designed to restore and regenerate normal form and function to lost and damaged periodontal structures which support the teeth (the gum tissue, periodontal ligament and bone)

  • Non –Surugical treatment
  • Gum graft surgery
  • Laser surger
  • Regenerative procedure
  • Dental crown lengthening
  • Pocket reduction process etc

This is accomplished by eliminating “pockets” of diseased tissue; regenerating and reconstructing gum and periodontal tissue attachment to the teeth and generally to provide an environment more conducive to daily oral hygiene 

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