Dental treatment that corrects teeth alignment . Treatment is usually done by fixed or removal braces. The ideal age for starting orthodontic treatment is 8-14 years while growth is still happening. Teeth can be moved by Fixed or Removable appliance. In some cases, extraction of teeth can be done where crowding is present.
For adult patient, Retainers are necessary after ortho treatment or dental braces. Correct alignment of upper teeth over the lower is called occlusion or bite. Malocclusion is often hereditary and occasionally owes to prolonged habits like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, cheek biting, mouth breathing, etc. and it has deleterious effects. Correct angulation of teeth and vertical orientation of teeth is imperative for proper chewing, protection of cheeks, gums, tongue, maintenance of facial profile.
By treating moderate or severe malocclusion, the teeth are easier to clean and there is less risk of tooth decay and gum diseases (gingivitis or periodontitis),proper chewing of food also helps in good digestion and maintain good health. Treatment eliminates strain on the teeth, jaws, and muscles, which lessens the risk of breaking a tooth and may reduce symptoms of upper lower jaw( temporomandibular) joint disorders.
At oro care dental centre, we have 2 visiting orthodontists to suit your timings. They are well experienced and proficient at work. We provide a wide array of treatment options (removable appliance, Stainless steel brackets, ceramic brackets,Invisibile- orthodontics ) based on requirement and convenience of patient.We emphasize on regular dental visits starting at an early age, so that we can help diagnose malocclusion earlier and deliver promising and confident smiles.
Crowding :
It is when there is insufficient room for the normal complement of adult teeth. Extra teeth, small underdeveloped jaw , lack of spacing in milk teeth can lead to crowded teeth.
Types of Braces:
- Metal Braces
- Ceramic Braces
- Self Ligating
- Invasalign